Our blog has been quiet for some time, so I think it is time to bring some life back here. Marek and I have been very busy with our daily jobs recently, and it has been extremely difficult for me to find some extra time to sit in front of computer screen also at home. But do not worry we have not abandoned photography and this blog at all. We are still here and continue this journey, even though in a bit slower pace than we would wish. Today I would like share an update on what I have been up to recently.
As you all know we spent couple of days in Scotland earlier this year, which was very good and productive trip and I am convinced that we have to return to Harris again next year. It is such an amazing place, offering so many opportunities for landscape photographers, that one can return to this place for many many times and there would always be something new to photograph. I just recently finished developing my black and white negatives, so here are some samples, which I have preselected for final portfolio.
Title: Stormy Morning, Camera: Mamiya RB Pro SD, Lens: Mamiya Sekor 50 mm, Film: Kodak T-Max 400, Exposure: 1/15 , f 16, Harris, Scotland, 2014
Title: Imbalance, Camera: Mamiya RB Pro SD, Lens: Mamiya Sekor 50 mm, Film: Kodak T-Max 400, Exposure: 180” , f 16, Harris, Scotland, 2014
I have also kept myself busy with printing in darkroom in the last few weeks; it is so rewarding and enjoyable process for me. It is hard to describe, but photography for me is also about enjoyment and not only the final result. I really like the whole analog workflow, from camera to final print, that I cannot imagine to go back to digital. It is not easy way, and I have encounter a lot of problems and had to deal with a lot of failures, but still the whole process is great fun for me and it helps me to clear my mind after busy day at work. I guess that one of the reasons, why I do enjoy it so much is the fact that I have photography as hobby and I do not have to meet any deadlines (except those set by myself) and I really like to create something with my hands.
I have also rediscovered the Ebony 45 large format camera. I have almost forgotten how nice the big negative is. I have been using it mainly in my home studio, where I do photograph my children and just recently started to learn how to photograph still life:) This camera is great tool, which helps me to develop and increase my personal creativity, of course it is not the easiest way and the learning curve is quite steep, but again is great fun and the final results (if they are good) are stunning.
Title: Valerie, Camera: Ebony SW 45, Lens: Schneider 150 mm, Film: Ilford FP4 Plus
One more activity, which kept me away from computer, was hiking. I have been hiking here in the Alps quite a lot recently mainly with my wife and kids and tomorrow we are heading to Chamonix for photo walk with Theresa. She is amazing photographer and super nice person, so please have a look on her website and if you are around Chamonix go to meet her.
Title: Untitled, Camera: Ebony SW 45, Lens: Schneider 90 mm, Film: Kodak T-Max 100
Title: Valerie and Filip, Camera: Mamiya Pro S, Lens: Sekor 90 mm, Film: Kodak T-Max 400, La Clusaz, France, 2014
The very last thing I want to share to day, is my recent and new experience. Few weeks back I did attend portfolio review organized by well respected Musee de l’Elysee in Lausanne. At the begging I was bit worried that my photographs would be tear apart, but at the end it ended up quite well for me. The curator was very nice and gave me a lot of good advices what I should improve and she encouraged me to continue with my photography. It was very interesting experience, which I have to recommend to everybody who is interested in photography.