I needed these few days off badly. There is nothing more invigorating for me than go somewhere, anywhere, and spend some considerable time out and alone. I haven't done it this year yet so here I come to northeast Germany seashore with a really short notice and with big birds above my head.
Little woods with some great light and boring sky.
Sometimes, the northeastern Germany feels like Africa.
To my surprise, the season seems to be still on. Plenty of tourists and each of them must use two cars or more. But that's the only flaw, otherwise I'm having fun. As much as one can have with only himself, getting to seriously think about stuff that there's normally no time for and talk about things that should have never left his mouth. And they did not as there's no one to speak with, which I love.
I walk among the people as if they are trees.
Monday morning or likewise...
If the weather gets too good, go to the woods!
I came here for a bad weather. Rains, winds, clouds, darkness. Then, everything seems slower and thoughts tend to stay deeper inside. Instead, all I get in the end of September is beautifully boring blue sky and sunshine. Photographing hurts in such conditions and requires a big heart of true enthusiast, but not to miss a chance I do it every early morning and late evening. Sometimes in the night. There has been some super moon on the sky few nights back. I had a great time playing with it. I wonder what I'll get from the files, just stay tuned!
Cool chairs on cool beaches of East Germany.
Pure simplicity - that's all we love.
For the most of the time, I cannot do for what I am up to in thus weather. However, it makes me experiment and get off the seashore to look for something else. I'm learning about the slowness of time when waiting for the sun to break through the clouds. I understand its quickness when rushing on the other beach under a fading sunset.
The wave breaker and the bird.
Endless game with no winner.
And, I make peace with my organised self and just follow the light and instincts. As always, first see above few iPhone images attached to here for how it's been going.
Until next time.