Over the past few months, we have been thinking a lot about how to improve your experience while browsing our website. Now, I'm pleased to tell you that the thinking crossed over into acting. And acting into finalization, just a few days ago. So I'm excited to publish the wholy redesigned Land and Colors, with lots of improvements. And with a few flaws perhaps that I kindly ask you help us cure - just browse around here extensively and share with us in case something is not working or if you don't like anything you see. We will be truly grateful for any kind of feedback.
The bottom line of the change is that we have made everything bigger. This is a photography site, but our previous wordpress-based version struggled to offer a serious, neatly designed gallery. Now we have a beautifully decorous and easy-to-update photo gallery with big thumbnails and large images for you to enjoy. Interestingly enough, our desire to enhance a visitor's experience resulted into a significant improvement of the back-end for us, the publishers. It is much easier to upload pictures and posts than it was before. So actually, thank you all. :-)
New horizons of Land & Colors. :-)
We also increased the width of the blog to be able to present bigger pictures because as somebody mentioned recently, one needed a microscope before in order to see them well. Subsequently, we made the fonts larger so don't worry, the texts only look longer but they are not. As a whole, I want to believe that this whole new design feels more modern and fresh, and offers much more pleasure to the viewer.
I'm writing this post aboard of Icelandair on my way to Reykjavik. Funnily enough, this is one of the airlines where customer experience makes a difference. I'm able to work on my blog as they offer the reliable wifi service, which adds a whole new level of entertainment while flying. I enjoy unusually comfortable legroom in front of me, retina-like HD TV screen (very different in quality from what you normally see) and huge amount of Icelandic music of all kinds. But interestingly, after a long long time I have watched the safety instructions video from the beginning to end. Why? It features stunning Icelandic landscape as the background, neatly equipped with drawings that give the safety message. One would say it does not matter, but I disagree - we should envy all unconventional acts of creativity, and this one is one of the most spectacular examples how you can turn a boring duty into an enjoyable experience everybody wants to watch. See for yourself:
Let me tell you that we are just getting warmed up and will be sharing much more news and images in the near future. Don't forget to tell us what you think, subscribe to our newsletter (above right) and follow us (bottom right).