
It has been more than four years since I moved to Geneva. I still remember my excitement from the fact that I had not been so closed to the mountains before and I was so convinced that I would spent all my free time hiking and photographing in the mountains. So that was the plan, however the reality was quite different. There was always something that stopped me from going up there or I was just so lazy and tired from my daily job that I was finding excuses why I should stay home. At the end I have not taken as many photographs in the mountains as I wished four years ago, but I still have a lot of great “mental” photographs in my mind, which I will have a chance to take next year or year after that or...

Title: Lake Signs, Camera: Ebony RSW 45, Lens: Rodenstock 45 mm, Filtr: Lee Big Stopper and Lee ND Grad 0.6, Film: Kodak Tri-x 400, Exposure: 320″ , f 13

Title: Lake Signs, Camera: Ebony RSW 45, Lens: Rodenstock 45 mm, Filtr: Lee Big Stopper and Lee ND Grad 0.6, Film: Kodak Tri-x 400, Exposure: 320″ , f 13

To be honest I also have to say that one significant reason why I have not spent enough time in the Alps is that I am really enjoying my little Lake Leman project, which I started two years ago. I found it to be very rewarding and relaxing to travel around the lake and discovering new places or returning to the same place under different circumstances. It has also some therapeutic effect on me since I can really relax and left all the daily troubles behind. I am slowly getting to know more and more places around the lake and due to the fact that I am now exclusively using my large format camera I am feeling more connected to my photographs and photographed locations. The whole process is now much slower and I do bring only few shots from each trip, which is in huge contrast to my digital times, where the memory card got full very often. I am not saying that the actual photographs are any better than the once from earlier years, but I just simply like the whole process of setting up the camera, focusing on the ground glass under the dark cloth, seeing the pictures upside down and at the end hoping that I did not forgot on something and everything will work out as expected. I am planing to go the the French side of the lake this upcoming weekend, when the temperatures should be quite low and the light clouds and early morning fog should create some interesting atmosphere. I hope I will be able to take some photographs, which I have on my mind for long time and also that I will be able to test the new camera system under severe winter conditions. I will let you know how it went in one of my next posts. Have a great weekend all of you.